Kauthar Al Khaleej Trading and contracting Company is fully committed to prevention of accidents, minimizing all undesired events that could or do result in loss It is the company’s firm policy to implement the Loss prevention Program to prevent injuries & damages to property on and off the job.
All possible measures have been taken considering to the safety of the workers and to prevent loss of all kind whatever it may be, To protect the Clients all the times and to prevent using any unwanted environmental side effects.
Our program consists on:
- Considering the Environment
- Prevent any kind of pollution.
- Prevent accidents to persons.
- Establish a real safe, healthy and productivity working environment.
- Protect the material and equipment of property.
We believe in our success on the implementation of our safety Program.
Management System
The HSE&S management system has been in place and evolving since 2002 and now describes mature processes that drive continual improvement and help to maintain legal compliance.
Audit Program
Audits enable us to identify risk, determine the degree of implementation and effectiveness of the HSE&S Management System, and verify compliance with applicable regulations.
Incident Performance
Kautahar Al-Khaleej has continued to significantly reduce its enterprise-wide Total Recordable Incident Rate and vehicle accident rates.
HSE&S Culture
Kautahar Al-Khaleej HSE&S programs are simple, engaging, and systematic, driving us toward a more mature, interdependent culture that ensures greater efficiency.
Recognition and Awards
Customers are enthusiastic about Kautahar Al-Khaleej’ emphasis on safe work practices.
Protecting the Environment
Our commitment to protecting the environment begins with our HSE&S Policy Statement.